How to Set “SMART” Goals : 4 Tips for 2022

Setting intentional goals is essential in business. Most of us have used some form of daily, weekly, monthly, short-term or long-term goal setting format to maximise our efficiency and hit necessary targets.

But the truth is, simply setting the deadlines is often the easy part. Deciding the actual content of our goals can be trickier—especially if you’re trying to maximise efficiency. Using so called, “SMART” goals is a great way to get started. If you haven’t heard of SMART goals before, they stand for :

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-Sensitive

Today’s blog will teach you how SMART goals can maximise your productivity.

Tip 1: Select and state goals clearly

First, target an ultimate outcome for the goal. Break the goal down into smaller, more manageable “mini-goals” in order to track your progress. Take your time and be as specific as possible. Keep in mind the target audience of your goal, whether it’s yourself, a few employees, or a larger team. When forming your goal, ask how you’ll know when the goal has been met successfully. Make sure goals are both attainable and relevant. Meaningful goals that are connected to bigger organisational causes can be very motivating for employees.

Tip 2: Set the deadline (but be realistic)

While constructing the ultimate goal (and it’s many mini-goals, decide how long each should take to complete. Also, think about how cross-goal deadlines synergize with each other. Be sure the deadlines are realistic and won’t overload your employees. Realistic deadlines will also make sure you can stick to the overall timeline. As a manager this will help your team stay on track and maintain accountability.

Tip 3: Develop a plan of action

Creating an outline can be helpful when setting your SMART goals . Write down what you hope to accomplish on a daily or weekly basis. Include an actionable item for each goal. If appropriate, you can present a goal timeline to your team to receive their input.

Getting feedback from your team during the planning process will save you time in the long run.

Tip 4: Monitor progress

Meet with your employees often to discuss progress and assess performance with regards around your goals. This will help you make adjustments and stick to your timeline. Use pre-specified metrics to determine whether your team is meeting their smaller goals and is still on track to reach their ultimate goal. If your team is struggling to meet the goals, determine what the limiting factors are, and what can be adjusted to maintain success. This will also help you with future goal planning.

Conclusion: How to Set “SMART” Goals : 4 Tips

When setting SMART goals , try to connect your employees’ professional goals with your organisational objectives. Be sure to embrace employee feedback. Finally, make sure your goals are attainable, with realistic deadlines that set your team up for success.

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